Beagle dog breed

Boxer dog - Biggest breed of dog - Dog breed and pictures

There are no guarantees with which dog breeds will behave in absolute agency and there will consistently be exceptions in every brand of dog but there are abounding characteristics that you can attending out for if award the actual brand for you, actuality are some of the top dogs in adjustment of affluence to alternation and how bound they aces up the altered tasks and activities.  Some dogs do not know whether barking is good or wrong, they have lived with it since they were born, its your duty to make them stop barking, sometimes you can tell you dogs to stop barking when they bark, words like that can ease the situation. Always try to scold dogs a little when they are barking in friendly way, do not leave it till after they've finished barking, trying to hit them when dogs bark can worsen the whole situation. You can try splashing your dog some little water on the face to stop barking, these might ease the barking come from your dogs. When you have noticed it has stopped barking, try to reward it with something you know your dog love so much, everything has a reward, now that you know that you don't like your dog barking and you tried some tricks to make it stop and finally it did stop, reward her immediately don't wait for it to pass so long, you can reward it after 4 seconds or less, you can try saying words like good dog, another day don't bark, I will always treat good if you stop barking, I hate it when you bark, in a cool and gentle way, less i forget while you say this words you could touch her body, the hairs and of course the head these might make your dog feel that the owner doesn't like dogs barking.