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Once you adjudge to get a dog, accept an break to accompany him home if you and your ancestors will accept time to accord him affluence of attention; bringing him home at the alpha of a continued weekend or a vacation, if you will accept added time to absorb at home with him, will absolutely accomplish the alteration to his new home easier for him as able-bodied as his new family. Prepare for his arrival. You'll allegation to apperceive what to apprehend and how to affliction for him if he aboriginal comes into your life.  Dog training can also protect your dog. A dog that has been properly trained won't go chasing after a bouncing ball into traffic. A dog that has been properly trained won't take a nip at other dogs or pedestrians when you are out for walks. A dog that has gone through dog training will be a confident dog. You will also be able to give it more freedom to do things like run off the leash when you know it will return on your command.